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Staging data template

I hope you don't have to deal with this, future student employee. This form of data entry is pain, which is why I've automated most of it! I can't be of much help in this regard. Consult with other employees

I created an Excel sheet that pulls in data from the techinfo SQL database that acts as a middle man between the formulas I've created

The file is named ITEMS_COST. Please feel free to reach out to me on WebEx or through my Github for those files. I'm more than happy to walk you through the process.

Staging Data

  • The purpose of the staging data Excel sheet is, as the name suggests, a draft of what components are added or removed from the room.
  • The quality and the quantity of the photos you took during the room visit is very important as it gives you a more accurate count of what's in the room
  • The staging data should imitate the MS Access structure so you can easily paste it into the database without issue.

Lazy approach

Just copy paste what you have in Excel over to Access

Excel formulas for staging sheet

These are some of the formulas in my staging sheet

Make sure to have the ITEMS_COST file in the same working directory as your staging sheet

-- You might have to re-reference the ITEM_COST file if it returns a #. 
=VLOOKUP(C2, '[ITEM_COST (version 2).xlsx]ITEM_COST'!$A:$B, 2, FALSE)
-- Get MFG
=IF(SUM(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("Middle", C2))) >= 1, TRIM(LEFT(C2, FIND("^",SUBSTITUTE(C2, " ", "^", 2)&"^"))), LEFT(C2,FIND(" ",C2)-1))
-- Get MODEL

-- Return image title
-- Handy for naming image title after you edit the pictures